Basilica Ulpia

About Basilica Ulpia

The Basilica Ulpia is one of the most impressive and well-preserved structures in the Imperial Fora of ancient Rome. Built by Emperor Trajan in the early 2nd century AD, the basilica served as a civic and legal centre for the city, as well as a symbol of Trajan's power and authority. With its vast size, intricate decoration, and innovative architectural design, the Basilica Ulpia was a testament to the wealth and sophistication of the Roman Empire at its height.

The Basilica Ulpia was situated at the northern end of Trajan's Forum, which was built on the site of an earlier forum constructed by Julius Caesar. Trajan's Forum was one of several new forums built during the Imperial period, each one serving a specific purpose and showcasing the wealth and power of its builder. The Basilica Ulpia was the largest and most important of the buildings in Trajan's Forum and played a central role in the civic and legal life of ancient Rome.

The design of the Basilica Ulpia was innovative for its time and served as a model for later buildings throughout the Roman Empire. The basilica was rectangular, with a vast central nave flanked by two rows of columns. The ceiling was supported by a series of arches and groin vaults, which allowed for a more spacious and open interior than previous Roman buildings. The exterior of the basilica was decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures, including scenes from Trajan's military campaigns and depictions of the gods and goddesses of the Roman pantheon.

Today, the Basilica Ulpia is a popular tourist attraction in Rome, drawing visitors from around the world to marvel at its grandeur and learn about the history and culture of ancient Rome. Despite its age, the basilica remains an impressive example of Roman engineering and architecture and continues to inspire architects and designers to this day.

Explore Basilica Ulpia


The Basilica Ulpia was a massive structure measuring 117 meters in length and 55 meters in width. It was divided into a central nave and two side aisles, separated by rows of columns. The roof was supported by a series of massive arches and vaults, allowing for a spacious and airy interior. The basilica was built of brick and concrete and faced with beautiful marble.

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As a public building, the Basilica Ulpia served many functions. It was primarily a meeting place for the Roman Senate, where important political and legal matters were discussed and debated. It also served as a place for public gatherings and ceremonies, as well as a center for commerce and trade.


The interior of the Basilica Ulpia was adorned with exquisite decorations, including beautiful marble floors and walls, intricate carvings, and colorful frescoes. The ceiling was decorated with a magnificent coffered design, creating a sense of grandeur and elegance.

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Trajan's Column

One of the most famous features of the Basilica Ulpia was Trajan's Column, a towering monument located just outside the entrance. The column was built to commemorate Trajan's victories in the Dacian Wars and depicts scenes from the campaign in a spiral frieze that wraps around the column.

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Destruction and Restoration

Over time, the Basilica Ulpia fell into disrepair and was partially destroyed. In the 16th century, the building was dismantled, and its materials were used to construct other buildings in Rome. It was not until the 20th century that efforts were made to restore the basilica to its former glory, and today, visitors can admire its impressive remains.

Arch of Trajan

Another impressive feature of the Basilica Ulpia was the Arch of Trajan, located at the western end of the building. This triumphal arch was built to commemorate Trajan's victories in the Dacian Wars and served as the entrance to the Forum of Trajan.

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Impact on Architecture

The Basilica Ulpia was a masterpiece of Roman engineering and architecture and had a profound influence on subsequent buildings throughout Europe. Its innovative use of arches and vaults paved the way for the development of Gothic architecture, and its grandeur and elegance continue to inspire architects and designers today.


The Basilica Ulpia was more than just a building; it was also a symbol of Trajan's power and authority. Its grand scale and impressive design were meant to impress and awe all who saw it, and its location in the Forum of Trajan ensured that it was visible from all over Rome.


Although the Basilica Ulpia no longer exists in its entirety, its legacy lives on in the many buildings and structures that were influenced by its design and engineering. It is also a testament to the remarkable skill and creativity of the ancient Romans, who were able to construct such a magnificent and enduring monument to their power and grandeur.

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Know Before You Go Basilica Ulpia

Essential Information
How To Reach

Location: The Magnificent Basilica Ulpia is an ancient Roman basilica located in the Roman Forum in Rome, Italy. It was constructed by Emperor Trajan in the 2nd century AD and served as a multi-purpose public building. The basilica is situated in the heart of Rome, within the archaeological site of the Roman Forum.

Opening Hours: As the basilica is part of the Roman Forum complex, the opening hours and access may vary. It is recommended to check the specific timings and availability before planning a visit.

Best Time to Visit: As the basilica is part of the Roman Forum complex, the opening hours and access may vary. It is recommended to check the specific timings and availability before planning a visit.

Metro: Take Line B of the Rome Metro and disembark at the Colosseo station. From there, it's a short walk to the Roman Forum, where the Magnificent Basilica Ulpia is located.

Bus: Several bus lines have stops near the Roman Forum. Check the local bus schedules and routes to find a bus that stops close to the site. Consult a map or ask locals for assistance in locating the nearest bus stop.

Taxi: Taxis are readily available in Rome. Hail a taxi or visit a designated taxi stand and inform the driver that you wish to go to the Roman Forum. They will drop you off at the entrance, from where you can access the Magnificent Basilica Ulpia.

Walking: If you are in the historic center of Rome, you can easily reach the Roman Forum and the Magnificent Basilica Ulpia on foot. The basilica is located within the archaeological site of the Roman Forum, making it accessible by walking.

FAQ's of Basilica Ulpia

What is the Basilica Ulpia?

The Basilica Ulpia was a large and impressive public building in ancient Rome that was built by the emperor Trajan in the early 2nd century AD. It was part of Trajan's Forum complex, which also included a massive column that depicted scenes from Trajan's military campaigns, a triumphal arch, and several other buildings. The Basilica Ulpia was a large rectangular building that served as a center of commerce and law and was renowned for its impressive architectural features.

What was the purpose of the Basilica Ulpia?

The Basilica Ulpia was designed to serve as a center of commerce and law in ancient Rome. It was a large public building that featured a central nave with two aisles and was lined with shops and marketplaces. The building was also used as a courthouse and was an important center for legal proceedings and the administration of justice.

What were the architectural features of the Basilica Ulpia?

The Basilica Ulpia was renowned for its impressive architectural features, which included a large central nave with two aisles, a series of massive columns, and a grand entrance hall with a high ceiling and ornate decorations. The building was also decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures, including a series of reliefs that depicted scenes from Trajan's military campaigns.

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What happened to the Basilica Ulpia over time?

Like many ancient buildings, the Basilica Ulpia suffered damage over time due to earthquakes, fires, and other natural disasters. It was also partially dismantled and repurposed during the medieval period when many of the stones and columns were taken to be used in the construction of other buildings. Today, only a few fragments of the Basilica Ulpia remain, including some of the massive columns and a few sections of the walls.

Can the Basilica Ulpia be visited today?

While the Basilica Ulpia is largely in ruins today, visitors to Rome can still see some of the remaining fragments of the building. These include several of the massive columns that supported the roof of the nave, as well as a few sections of the walls. The ruins of the Basilica Ulpia can be found in the Trajan's Forum complex in the heart of Rome, and are a popular destination for tourists and history enthusiasts.

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