Roman Forum Tour

About Roman Forum Tour Tickets

The Roman Forum (Foro Romano), now a vast collection of ruins, was once the hub of ancient Rome for various operations. Shops, temples, tribunals, and administrative buildings operated from the Roman forum until the fourth century A.D. Even though all that is left of the Forum now is a collection of antiqued columns and arches, it is still being excavated because it is one of Italy's most significant archaeological sites. With Roman Forum Tour tickets, you will get a chance to go on this adventure trip to see Rome's most well-known landmarks.

On this tour with Roman Forum Tour tickets, you will travel via the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill, 3 of Rome's most important landmarks. Using the assistance of a skilled tour guide who will share all the tales and secrets of the locations shall help you gain deeper insights into these historical landmarks. You get to learn everything there is to know about the history of the city and how these monuments came to be by watching a multimedia video that will be made accessible at the office of a local partner, where this trip will begin. Visitors can enjoy a fantastic view of the Eternal City from atop the Palatine and Capitoline hills, in addition to learning about Roman history.

Things to see at Roman Forum

Arch of Titus

Among the best things to see at the Roman Forum is one of the two Roman arches still standing, called the Arch of Titus. The 50-foot-tall monument is situated near the southeast corner of the well-known archaeological site of the Roman Forum along the Via Sacra, the busiest street in the ancient city of Rome. The Arch of Titus, the oldest of the Roman triumphal arches, was built by Titus's successor Domitian after his death, and it is located at the end of the Forum that is furthest from the Capitol. Even at the fall of Rome in the fifth century, the arch managed to hold up quite well despite its advanced age.

Basilica of Constantine

Originally known as the Basilica of Maxentius, the Basilica of Constantine is a huge, roofed hall in Rome that was started by the emperor Maxentius and completed by Constantine around AD 313. The Basilica of Constantine, once the greatest building in the Forum, is now reduced to only three grand vaulted arches called Arch of Constantine. However, it is still a commanding monument that towers over its surroundings. With its enormous central rooms surrounded by apses, a basilica served as a courthouse and a location for conducting commerce and other transactions in ancient Rome. This architectural design was later used in Christian churches.

The Curia

One of the most well-preserved ancient structures in the Forum is the Roman Senate's meeting hall, which was saved from further deterioration when it was turned into a church in the seventh century. The first Curia was created during the reign of the kings and was constantly destroyed by fire and other natural disasters. It was an unadorned, basic structure that could accommodate 300 senators. It still contains the third-century marble floor that was inlaid with mosaics, as well as frieze remnants, and is now occasionally utilised for special exhibitions.

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Temple of Romulus

Another exceptional example of well-preserved things to see at the Roman Forum is the Temple of Romulus. Since it served as the entryway to the Church of Saints Cosma and Damiano, which is still in use today, it is still intact. It is also rather bizarrely dedicated to the son of the emperor Maxentius, who passed away at a young age in the fourth century A.D., rather than the founder of Rome. The Basilica of Santi Cosma e Damiano later transformed the temple, which is why it is in such good condition now.

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Temple of Vesta & House of the Vestals

The Temple of Vesta, one of the most revered and significant structures in ancient Rome, housed the Sacred Fire. Six priestesses chosen as children from the top Vestal Virgin families in Rome guarded the sacred and eternal flame within. According to the Roman Forum Facts, this eternal fire had significant importance in Rome. The Vestal Virgins' residence stood next to the Vesta Temple and was also constructed by Septimius Severus. The head vestal sculptures in the courtyard have pedestal inscriptions about their virtues. The House of the Vestals was where Aeneas kept the precious Palladium, a figure of Pallas Athene he had brought from Troy.

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Arch of Septimius Severus

The Septimius Severus Arch, which was built in Rome in 203 CE, stands as a monument to the Roman conquests over the Parthians in the latter half of the second century C.E. Even now, despite being severely damaged, the triple triumphal arch in the Forum Romanum survives as a robust and magnificent testament to Roman vanity. It was one of the most lavishly ornamented of its kind. The arch was regarded as the location of Rome's symbolic centre or umbilicus Urbis, according to the Roman Forum Facts.

Temple of Saturn

One of the most significant and esteemed of the Republic's temples, the Temple of Saturn, was constructed around 497 BC. A piece of the Miliarium Aureum, the Golden Milestone, which served as the beginning of the Via Sacra and all Roman consular highways, is located next to the temple. The distances between Rome and the various Empire provinces were written on the stone in gilded figures. A cult statue of Saturn originally stood inside the temple. During the Saturnalia, when his feet were metaphorically released from the woollen ties that bound him for the rest of the year, the statue was the centre of attention. It was periodically rebuilt after being destroyed by fire, the most recent occasion in the fourth century A.D.

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Temple of Castor and Pollux

In the 5th century B.C., the ancient Romans built the Temple of Castor and Pollux(Templum Castoris) in the Forum of Rome. The Temple of Castor and Pollux, which honoured Helen of Troy's twin brothers, served as a representation of the Roman city state's military might. According to legend, Castor and Pollux arrived nearby and assisted the Romans in winning the Battle of Lake Regillus (499 BC). The Dioscuri, Castor, and Pollux, who were the subject of several stories, some of Greek and some of Etruscan origin, were honoured for helping in this battle. The three remaining columns are referred to as "The Three Sisters" in popular culture.

Temple of Antoninus Pius

The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina was initially built in 141 AD by Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius in memory of his wife, Faustina. It is one of the Roman Forum's best-preserved buildings. A few columns on the side and six from the front still have their Corinthian capitals. In Miranda, the temple was converted into the San Lorenzo church in the 12th century. Still, the columns were detached from the mediaeval construction when Emperor Charles V visited Rome in 1536.

Interesting Facts about Roman Forum

For More Info Checkout: Interesting Facts About Roman Forum

  • The Forum was built on a muddy Etruscan burial place, which was turned into dry land for construction.
  • According to the ancient Romans, Romulus, assassinated by the Senate, built Rome.
  • Julius Caesar, the most well-known resident of Rome, was killed and cremated on the steps of the Pompey Theatre.
  • Political gatherings were violent during the late Republican era, and the skulls of adversaries who had been defeated were placed on the Rostra.
  • In 410 AD, when the Roman Empire began to fall apart, most of the Forum's structures were demolished.
  • Stones and marble from the Roman Forum were utilised to construct other buildings and churches in Rome and the surrounding areas after it was destroyed.
  • Due to the frequent Roman habit of erecting new structures over older ruins, the Roman Forum has remained for numerous centuries.
  • The Roman Forum was enormous. It had a footprint of 250 x 170 metres.
  • The nobility and commoners of Rome used the Forum for more than 1400 years, from 800 BC to 600 AD.
  • The Roman Forum was given priority over the other Fora in Rome because of The Curia, or Senate House.
  • 100 x 145 metres were the size of the Temple of Venus and Rome, erected on The Forum in 135 AD. The largest religious building ever constructed in Rome was that one.

Plan your Visit to Roman Forum

Location & Opening Hours
How To Reach
Best Time To Visit
Tips to Visit Roman Forum

The Via della Salara Vecchia, 5/6 and the Via di San Gregorio are the two entrances to the Forum Romanum. The Palatine Hill can also be used to reach the Forum Romanum.

Opening Hours-

From March 1st - March 26th, it remains open from 9.00 am – 5.30 pmFrom March 27th - August 31st, it remains open from 9.00 am – 7:15 pmFrom September 1st - September 30th, it remains open from 9.00 am – 7:00 pmFrom October 1st - October 30th, it remains open from 9.00 am – 6.30 pmFrom October 31st - December 31st, it remains open from9.00 am – 4.30 pm

It remains closed on January 1st and December 25th

The primary airport in Rome, Fiumicino, is where all international planes touch down. Airport Fiumicino is about 22 kilometres away from the Roman Forum.

  • Train-A train ride to the Roman Forum from the Fiumicino airport takes about an hour and costs 7€ - 35€. You have the choice of opting between express or local train services.

  • Bus-Another option is to take a bus, which runs from 7€ - 9€. and takes 1 hour and 22 minutes. Coach and shuttle buses are the two other bus variations that are offered. Coach buses are affordable, but the filling process takes longer. You should change locations and get off at Rome Vatican before boarding the subsequent bus to Teatro Marcello/Ara Coeli, roughly 500 metres from the Forum.

  • Car-A car with a specified rate of 48€ for four passengers can be hired at the airport for a more convenient ride directly to the Roman Forum.

Best time to visit the Roman Forum is from April to May and September to October. Rome has hot, humid summers and bitter, windy winters, so it's the best time to visit the Roman Forum,i.e., in the spring or fall. The temperature is roughly 20 °C in April, 32 °C in July, which is the hottest month, and then it starts to cool off in August.

Following are a few tips to visit Roman Forum that might be useful for visitors-

  • Advance booking of Roman Forum Tour tickets can ensure a stress-free visit to Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum.

  • You can book the combo tickets online for all three sites. They last for two days and are affordable.

  • Start your tour at the Roman Forum, then proceed to the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum to fully appreciate the location's historical significance.

  • Read the indications so that you are aware of the meaning of what you are seeing.

  • Wear good walking shoes because the Forum is a sizable area with uneven stone flooring.

  • Bring plenty of water and your umbrella as there is no shelter or cover in the Forum.


What was the Roman Forum used for?

The intention of the Roman Forum was to operate as a marketplace. Later, it was utilised for social, political, commercial, legal, and religious purposes.

Are Roman Forum Tour Tickets available online?

Yes, the Roman Forum Tour Tickets are available online. Online booking of tickets can ensure a stress-free visit to Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum.

How can I book Roman Forum Tickets?

You can either book Roman Forum Tour tickets online from various online sites. You can also book your tickets when you reach the place after standing in a long queue.

Why was the Roman Forum built?

The purpose of the Roman Forum was to function as a centre for social, political, commercial, economic, and legal activities. All Roman cities had a forum of this kind, but the Roman Forum was the largest of them all.

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Who destroyed the Roman Forum?

In 410 A.D., as the Roman Empire began to collapse, people began demolishing the structures on the Roman Forum. Other constructions were built using priceless stones and other resources.

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How long does it take to see the Roman Forum?

The Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, and Colosseum may be covered on a guided walking tour in around three hours. At each place, you will stay for roughly an hour.


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